#!/bin/bash # status.sh # APPDIR=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd) # CONFIG=app/etc/Konfiguration.txt # source ${APPDIR}/${CONFIG} if [ -z "$WORKDIR" ] ; then WORKDIR="${DESTDIR}" fi if [ $OTRcutactiv = "off" ] ; then DECODIR="$WORKDIR" else DECODIR="${WORKDIR%/}/_decodiert" fi # last Log: (ToDo: nicht nur letztes Log, sondern per ListBox beliebiges Logfile auswählen) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- func_main_LastLog () { if [ -z $WORKDIR ] ; then WORKDIR="${DESTDIR%/}/" else WORKDIR="${WORKDIR%/}/" fi DECODIR="${WORKDIR%/}/_decodiert" if [ $OTRcutactiv = "off" ] ; then DECODIR="$WORKDIR" echo "ist off" fi lastLog=`ls -tr ${DECODIR%/}/_LOGsynOTR | grep ".log" | tail -1` lastLogPath="${DECODIR%/}/_LOGsynOTR/$lastLog" } # Info der Datenbank auslesen: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ColorLQ="#990099" ColorSD="#3366CC" ColorHQ="#DC3912" ColorHD="#FF9900" ColorAC3="#109618" dbpath="/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/synOTR/app/etc/synOTR.sqlite" if [ -f "$dbpath" ] ; then firstrun=$(sqlite3 "$dbpath" "SELECT timestamp FROM raw WHERE rowid=1") rowcount=$(sqlite3 "$dbpath" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw") dbsize=$(ls -lh "$dbpath" | awk '{ print $5 }') # Anzahl HD-Filme: #sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE file_original LIKE '%HD.avi' OR file_original LIKE '%HD.mp4' " CountHD=0 # sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE format='HD' " sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE format='HD' OR ((file_original LIKE '%HD.avi' OR file_original LIKE '%HD.mp4') AND format IS NULL) " CountHD=`sqlite3 -separator $'\t' "$dbpath" "$sSQL"` # Anzahl AC3-Filme: CountAC3=0 sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE file_original LIKE '%HD.ac3' " CountAC3=`sqlite3 -separator $'\t' "$dbpath" "$sSQL"` # Anzahl HQ-Filme: CountHQ=0 sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE format='HQ' OR ((file_original LIKE '%HQ.avi' OR file_original LIKE '%HQ.mp4') AND format IS NULL) " CountHQ=`sqlite3 -separator $'\t' "$dbpath" "$sSQL"` # Anzahl Standard-Filme: CountSD=0 #sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE format='SD' " sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE format='SD' OR (file_original LIKE '%mpg.avi' AND format IS NULL) " CountSD=`sqlite3 -separator $'\t' "$dbpath" "$sSQL"` # Anzahl LQ-Filme: CountLQ=0 #sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE format='LQ' " sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE format='LQ' OR (file_original LIKE '%mpg.mp4' AND format IS NULL) " CountLQ=`sqlite3 -separator $'\t' "$dbpath" "$sSQL"` # Anzahl Serien (Episoden): CountEpisode=0 sSQL="SELECT count(rowid) FROM raw WHERE serie_episode <> '' " # OR (file_original LIKE '%mpg.mp4' AND format IS NULL) " CountEpisode=`sqlite3 -separator $'\t' "$dbpath" "$sSQL"` fi # Dateistatus auslesen: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # .otrkey-Files: count_otrkey=0 for i in $(find "$OTRkeydir" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.otrkey" -type f) do count_otrkey=$(( count_otrkey + 1 )) done # wait of cutlist: count_waitofcutlist=0 for i in $(find "$DECODIR" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.avi" -o -name "*.mp4" -type f) do count_waitofcutlist=$(( count_waitofcutlist + 1 )) done # manueller synOTR-Start: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ "$page" == "status-run-synotr" ]]; then echo '
' /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/synOTR/synOTR-start.sh func_main_LastLog # echo $refreshtime echo '
' fi # synOTR beenden erzwingen: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ "$page" == "status-kill-synotr" ]]; then killall synOTR.sh echo '' fi if [[ "$page" == "status" ]]; then # Chart-JavaScript: echo "" # Body: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- echo '
' if [[ "$count_otrkey" == 0 ]] && [[ "$count_waitofcutlist" == 0 ]]; then echo '
' else echo '
' fi echo ' synOTR Statusseite

' # Abschnitt LOG-Protokoll: echo '


Hier werden die LOGs zu finden sein …
(noch nicht implementiert)

' # Abschnitt Status / Statistik: echo '


' echo '' if [[ "$count_otrkey" == 0 ]]; then echo '' else echo '' fi if [[ "$count_waitofcutlist" == 0 ]]; then echo '' else echo '' fi if [[ "$rowcount" != "0" ]]; then echo '' echo '' echo '' echo '' echo '' echo '' # echo '' echo '' echo '' echo '' fi echo '
Offene Aufgaben:
Dateien zu dekodieren: Alles erledigt
Dateien zu dekodieren: '$count_otrkey'
Filme, die auf Cutlist warten: Alles erledigt
Filme, die auf Cutlist warten: '$count_waitofcutlist'

Auswertung der Datenbank:
Anzahl der LQ-Filme:'$CountLQ'
Anzahl der SD-Filme:'$CountSD'
Anzahl der HQ-Filme:'$CountHQ'
Anzahl der HD-Filme:'$CountHD'
Anzahl der AC3-Filme:'$CountAC3'

Erkannte Serienepisoden:

Gesamt seit '$firstrun':'$rowcount'

' echo '

' echo '
' fi